Northeast Region
UNITY Regional Profile
The Northeast Region consists of geographical areas and the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island Massachusetts, Maine and DC . The Western region has 14 affiliated youth councils in 12 states within the UNITY Network.
At the meet-ups, youth councils are invited to gather to grow relationships and work towards goals. These MeetUps will serve as a networking opportunity as well as a brainstorming session for how to address community challenges and needs. (And have fun!) Not only will this be a valuable networking opportunity for your Youth leaders to connect with the surrounding tribes, but we would also like your feedback.
NEXT Northeast Regional Native Youth Meet-Up:
- When: Thursday, March 24, 2022, 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Hosted by Rory Wheeler, Northeast Region Representative
- Register in advance for this meeting:
2021 Fall NORTHEAST Virtual Meet-Up
UNITY News: Northeast Updates
Northeast Regional Representative: Rory Wheeler
Rory Wheeler is a citizen of the Seneca Nation. Mr. Wheeler is the Northeast Regional Representative and Vice President to the National UNITY Executive Committee
Click + to learn more:
Northeast Region Description
The UNITY Northeast Region is home to tribes, youth councils, organizations and individuals from Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, Vermont, Indiana, and the District of Columbia.
How can we help?
If you are interested in learning more about UNITY, information on forming a youth council, or getting involved as an individual, or about our programs reach out to Northeast Representative, Rory Wheeler, of the Seneca Nation at
Biography of Rory Wheeler, Vice President and Northeast Regional Representative
Rory Wheeler is a citizen of the Seneca Nation and serves as the Vice President and Northeast Representative for United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (UNITY). He previously served as the Youth Commission Vice President and President for the National Congress of American Indians from 2016-2020, where we worked with tribal leaders, youth leaders on the pressing topics that impact Native youth on issues such as advancing the government to government relationship with the United States, climate resiliency, juvenile justice, education, and representation. He presently serves on the Board of Directors for the Association on American Indian Affairs, Community Advisory Board for the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Rory Wheeler, Northeast Regional Representative
National UNITY Council Executive Committee
Northeast Region Youth Councils
- Council for the Advancement of Young Adults
- Mohegan Youth Council
- Mashantucket Pequot Youth Council
- Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribal Youth Council
- Mashpee Wampanoag Youth Council
- Penobscot Nation Youth Council
- New Dawn Tribal Youth Council
- Seneca Nation of Indians Tribal Youth Council
- St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
- Native Connections Youth Advisory Board
- Shinnecock Nation Youth Council
- Haudenosaunee Tribal Youth Council
- Seneca Nation Native Connections Youth Group
- Narragansett Youth Council
“Being here with UNITY is such a great experience. You get to meet so many new people and learn more about different tribes and their cultures.””
“The gathering, the sharing of cultures, the UNITY of our people!”
“Our YOUTH is the future!”
“It’s the best place to be open about what you think and what you want to do for your school or community. They make you feel like family and welcome you openly.”
“Great organization that allows empowerment for the Native youth to excel in leadership skills, networking opportunity, and early professional growth.”
“Awesome for youth group & leadership.”