UNITY is pleased to announce a Celebration of Life to honor the legacy of UNITY Founder JR Cook on July 29 at 2 pm in Oklahoma City. The event will be held at and co-sponsored by the First Americans Museum. All those who knew JR are invited to spend the afternoon to share stories or a song, reminisce and honor him in their own way. If you wish to attend, please RSVP at headquarters@unityinc.org.
We understand not everyone is able to make it to this event. We are accepting :45 video messages to share during the event. Please use a Zoom format (horizontal), good lighting, plain background, and find a quiet area. If you wish to submit a video, please send it to Will Mosley at w.mosley@unityinc.org by July 14.
Following the Celebration of Life on July 29 after 7 pm, a Special song will be held in memory of JR Cook during the Indian Hills Powwow. The powwow is a public event.