Wellness Warriors
UNITY Wellness Warriors Program
In Review
Wellness Warriors Objective 1: UNITY youth participants will strengthen their personal holistic health and social competencies, skills, and behaviors through measurable and transformative individual action plans and personal wellness activities. UNITY has met this objective through the WW project. Skills, social competencies, and holistic health activities learned at the mid-year and national conference each year demonstrate the growth. Transformation and measurable changes are noted through the youth council local and regional activities taking place as well as their youth-lead projects that have been shared at UNITY conferences, social media platforms, and in administrative or evaluation reports.
Wellness Warriors Objective 2: UNITY youth council (YC) groups will address community health and wellness issues through engaging in youth-led community service projects, activities, and action plan initiatives. UNITY has met this objective through the WW project. Youth council groups provide reports and presentations, monthly and quarterly activities, virtual evidence via social media engagement and reach, and have completed annual youth council surveys to demonstrate their local service projects and to be in good standing.
Wellness Warriors Objective 3: UNITY will carry out a public wellness campaign (virtual and in person) through wellness summits, outreach activities, and creation of publicly accessible resources for supporting healthy, culturally centered, and community-based Indigenous lifestyles. UNITY has met this objective through the WW project. The year three online wellness summit, annual youth council reports, strong social media posts with video and analytics reports support the impact that this objective has had on WW project participants.
Wellness Warriors Objective 2: UNITY youth council (YC) groups will address community health and wellness issues through engaging in youth-led community service projects, activities, and action plan initiatives. UNITY has met this objective through the WW project. Youth council groups provide reports and presentations, monthly and quarterly activities, virtual evidence via social media engagement and reach, and have completed annual youth council surveys to demonstrate their local service projects and to be in good standing.