Earth Ambassador Liliana Mars attended a cultural exchange with my tribe (Narragansett) and the Māori as Earth Ambassador and as a Northern Traditional dancer. Liliana is also working/planning her next Youth Council meeting based on what they want to accomplish throughout the year. On top of planning future youth council meetings, Liliana is also working with Meadowbrook Waldorf School and Rocky Hill Country Day School to organize a presentation of the Narragansett People and to show what she wants to accomplish as a member of Unity’s 2023-2024 Earth Ambassador Class.
The picture below is from a food distribution Liliana’s tribe did in 2020 to help with COVID-19 efforts. This picture will exemplify what she wishes to complete during her EA 2023-2024 term.
“Being one of only seven people out of my tribe who were selected to participate in this event was so meaningful to me that I don’t have the words to express it. We danced our traditional dances, sang our traditional songs, and had a feast of the traditional foods of the Narragansett people. Being able to show who I am and what I do as a young Narragansett Woman warms my heart; I love showing the native community the ways of my people and would gladly do it anytime and or anywhere,” said Representative Mars.
Stay tuned for more updates from your 2023 – 2024 class of Earth Ambassadors!