“A platform to help out our environment, our community, and the world, “ is what UNITY Earth Ambassadors are presenting as part of their regular monthly meetings with fellow Earth Ambassadors. The monthly meetings bring together Earth Ambassadors, alumni, and mentors to learn and share platforms and to present their environmental projects.
Projects range from the return of planting foods using native seed banks and traditional seeds as an exercise of Native sovereignty, and by growing it exercises an act of environmental sovereignty says Earth Ambassador Gabriella Nakai (Choctaw/Navajo) from Phoenix to creating business sustainability within her tribal community through the promotion of greener businesses, less waste, recyclable products, recycling, and making the San Carlos Apache Tribe a greener mindset by Earth Ambassador Lauren Pino (San Carlos Apache), a recent graduate of Penn State University to producing educational videos to protect Mother Earth by Earth Ambassador Karlin Tsotigh (Kiowa) from Oklahoma.
What’s especially unique is that these Native youth ambassadors have developed their environmental platforms of these projects – from identifying the tribal issues and designing a solution to helping our environment.