UNITY Youth Submission by Earth Ambassador Tylee Tom, Dine/Navajo, AZ:
Tylee has spent time educating our youth and community about culture, language and heritage is a step forward to a stronger Nation. Tylee volunteers with Grades 1st to 8th also with the community and staff. Through interacting with younger generations, you can instill indigenous values of being a caretaker to the earth from the beginning. These lessons are tied to the Dine language and how we practice our kinship.
Tylee works closely with Star School, Greasewood Springs Community school, and the Pinon Community School in Navajo Nation.

“Growing up on the reservation, I’ve always been taught to respect the earth and everything it provides. Many teachings and songs I’ve been taught are about every living plant and animal. Preserving the teachings and responsibility of oneself and others, who play a big part in our lives. From caring for our animals to the birthing of them. I have always been told “you take care of your animals and crop, they will take care of you”