Build the Skills To Support Tribal Youth
OJJDP-Sponsored, November 2016. This brief provides summaries of and how to access three role-play simulations designed to prepare adults to guide conversations with Tribal youth that will foster their positive development. NCJ 252025. 1 page.
The UNITY Peer Guides and Healing Indigenous Lives Initiative is dedicated to spreading awareness of available resources to Native youth to help increase community safety protective factors and reduce youth risky behaviors contributing to juvenile delinquency.
This brief provides summaries of and how to access three role-play simulations designed to prepare adults to guide conversations with Tribal youth that will foster their positive development.
“Trauma-Informed Policing With Tribal Youth” instructs law enforcement personnel about the effects of historical and inter-generational trauma on tribal youth and how to build positive police-youth interactions. “At-Risk for High School Educators” instructs educators in mental health and suicide prevention, how to recognize students who show signs of psychological distress, and how to engage such students in conversations that motivate them to seek help. “Friend2Friend” instructs high-school students in how to recognize when a peer is showing signs of psychological distress and how to conduct conversations that will motivate them to seek help. Instructions for online access to each of these instructional simulations is provided. These role-play simulations are free to all U.S. Tribal law enforcement agencies, federally recognized Tribes, and BIE schools.