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Spring Webinar Series: Join the Peer Guides every Thursday in June


UNITY believes the most effective and powerful messaging comes from youth to youth training. The UNITY Cohort of Peer Guides will offer peer mentoring in a the five-part online learning series. The free webinars will focus on empowering Native youth to identify their community needs and equipping them with tools to advocate for increasing community safety.
The First Webinar begins Thursday, June 3rd.

This series will offer Native youth opportunities discuss and plan how they can play an active role in enhancing public safety.  The Peer Guide Cohort embodies resiliency and accountability by modeling desired behavior changes to other youth who may be impacted by trauma or the Justice Systems. When youth are of service to others and volunteer in civic engagement, they also encourage their peers to live productive, law-abiding lives.

Sign-up for these upcoming complimentary UNITY webinars in partnership with OJJDP:

  • Let’s Talk About Healing our Communities: How to host Difficult Conversations Webinar
    CLICK HERE to view recording

    • UNITY Peer Guides will share the results of the Regional Town Halls and discuss how youth can hold their own Town Halls to identify community priorities. Youth Councils will explore ways to host community conversations around difficult topics to create community safety.
      Learning Objectives:
      1. Participants will learn and discuss the suggested solutions Native youth have offered to increase public safety from the virtual Town Halls findings.
      2. Participants will explore ways to host community conversations around difficult topics to increase community safety.
      3. Participants will engage in peer to peer dialogue regarding community resources that may support Native youth empowerment.
  • Our Community Needs: Regional Comparison of Top Issues facing Native Youth Webinar
    Join on Thursday, June, 10, 2021 at 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm PST //  7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST 

    • This workshop will show how youth can address local needs by identifying the root cause of an issue while encouraging local native youth empowerment. UNITY Peer Guides will share tools for creating localized needs assessments through the 2021 Native American Youth Experience Survey.
      Learning Objectives:
      1. Participants will learn how to identify the root cause of a community challenge to enhance safety.
      2. Participants will discuss regional Comparison of the top Issues facing Native Youth
      3. Peer Guides will share their plans for the Native American Youth Experience Survey (NAYES) to further gather community input and ensure future youth informed programming.

      Register in advance for this webinar:
      After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
  • Plan On It: Asset Mapping for Change Agents Webinar
    Join on Thursday, June, 17, 2021 at 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm PST //  7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST

    • Join UNITY Peer Guides to identify personal strengths and resources to create community safety and support those impacted by crime. Asset mapping is an important tool for any youth who wishes to address community concerns.Webinar Learning Objectives:
      1. Participants will gain tools needed to engage in asset mapping to address community concerns.
      2. Participants will identify personal strengths and resources to create community safety and support those impacted by crime.
      3. Participants will engage in peer to peer dialogue regarding community resources that may support Native youth empowerment.

      Register in advance for this webinar:
      After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  • Personal Growth: Cultural teachings to Address trauma Webinar
    Join on Thursday, June, 24, 2021 at 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm PST //  7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST  

    • UNITY Peer Guides explore cultural and holistic approaches to building resiliency for Native youth who have experienced trauma. The Peer Guides will explore resources available to help advocates overcome their past traumas in order to better serve the community in the future.
      Learning Objectives:
      1. Participants will join the Peer Guides Live in Texas at the National UNITY Conference to encourage youth to play an active role in increasing public safety.
      2. Participants will gain tools to create safe and effective messaging.
      3. Participants will learn how to create campaigns to empower their communities to address their challenges and needs.

      Register in advance for this webinar:
      After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
  • LIVE from Dallas! At the National UNITY Conference
    Making A Difference: Creating Awareness Campaigns Webinar
    Join on Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm PST //  2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST

    • Join UNITY Peer Guides to learn how youth can raise awareness about UNITY’s top ten issues facing Native youth in 2021. The Peer Guides will help guide participants through the steps of creating awareness campaigns to create community safety.
      Learning Objectives:
      1. Participants will join the Peer Guides Live in Texas at the National UNITY Conference to encourage youth to play an active role in increasing public safety.
      2. Participants will gain tools to create safe and effective messaging
      3. Participants will learn how to create campaigns to empower their communities to address their challenges and needs.
      Register in advance for this meeting:
      After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Together, We Can Heal Our Communities

This Initiative is supported by a cooperative agreement (2018-TY-FX-K002) between UNITY, Inc. and the US Department of Justice, Office of  Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

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