The month of August was filled with multiple events and activities. Starting the month out strong I volunteered with my youth council to help with handing out winter coats for kids who do not have access to one, this was on August 1st and August 2nd. On August 4th I went and volunteered to help pick up any unnecessary garbage that was on the Shoshone Bannock festival ground before the powwow started the following week. On August 5th I had a meeting with my fellow Youth Council where we discussed upcoming fundraisers and community service events!! August 10-13 I had the amazing opportunity to attend the 58th annual Shoshone Bannock Festival located in Fort Hall, Idaho. On the 10th I helped with the kid’s day powwow, as well as helping with the kid’s games and handing out prizes with the powwow committee. The rest of this weekend I was helping with my family’s food stand; Anthony’s Navajo Tacos!! On the last night of the festival, I got to take some amazing pictures with my Northwest Region Flag! I even got a picture with the newly elected 2023-2023 Miss Shoshone Bannock Develyn Hall!! On August 17th I attended the Native American Student welcome event at Idaho State University. I got to meet with fellow Native American students here at my school which was amazing:)) I got to get their contact info and also got to have lunch and just socialize. We also planned our first meeting. August 21-24 I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Klamath Falls Oregon, because I was invited to the Klamath Tribes Youth Summit!! August 21st was a travel day. August 22nd was the first day of the summit filled with presenters and games. Jonathan Arakawa (male co-president) got to do an amazing presentation on UNITY 101!! August 23rd was filled with workshops, 3 on 3 tournaments, and hand games!! On August 24th(the last day of the youth conference) there were the youth council candidate speeches and the honoring of the outgoing/newly elected youth council. There were 18 newly elected members which is so amazing!! As the Northwest region representative, I am truly proud of the native youth who are showing leadership skills and taking big roles in our communities! After taking a bunch of pictures of the newly elected as well as Cow Creek Youth Council and Fort Hall Youth Council who traveled to get to the youth summit!!! After that, I got on the road and headed home! I had such an amazing time. On August 27th I got to meet with my youth council for the second time this month to discuss new meeting dates and to plan more for the youth council year. We also had ice cream sundaes. At the beginning of the meeting, we smudged before starting. On August 28th I started my first day as a sophomore in college! Last but certainly not least, on August 30 I signed up to volunteer and to start planning the 5th annual Indigenous Day celebration here at Idaho State University!!
The month of August was filled with so many events, meetings, and unique opportunities!! I am so grateful for this position that I am in and cannot wait for what the month of September has to offer!!:))
“The Klamath Tribes Youth Summit was an experience to remember. It made my heart fill with joy as I watched the youth interact, laugh, and visit with one another. I am so proud of the newly elected 2023-2025 Klamath Youth Council, So exciting to see that there is a total of 18 youth this year! So beyond excited for the work that you all will accomplish for your youth council as well as the Northwest region. I can’t wait to see what you all accomplish on your terms! Good luck to you all, and I am always here if you need anything. I was treated with nothing but kindness from the people of Klamath.”