This month June 29th-July 5th I attended the National Unity conference located in Washington DC. I attended multiple workshops, interacted with others, made new friends, and got elected as the Northwest regional representative.
On July 8th we volunteered to scraped paint off old paint of the Fort Hall festival grounds arbor. After the conference I had a meeting with my youth council(Fort Hall Youth Council) on July 15th and had a meeting discussing and debriefing about our time together as the national conference.
On July 18th and 19th the Fort Hall youth council offered our time to help with the elderly winter wood program by assisting with lifting and moving logs on trailers. This was very fun and we love showing our support by offering our time to our community.
On July 20th I attended the 2023 Wind River Youth summit located on my reservation in Wyoming. This youth summit hosted youth from the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone tribes. I was invited to this event because I am an enrolled member of the Northern Arapaho tribes and got the opportunity to speak to the youth at this youth summit. I had such a wonderful time and was welcomed with such great spirit at this youth summit. “The 2023 Wind River Youth Summit really empowered and uplifted my spirit. By being able to be surrounded by powerful youth and also to be able to express my love to the Native Youth that attended.”
On July 24th I had the chance to travel to Salt Lake City with my grandpa to attend the Pioneer Day powwow hosted in Liberty Park. My grandpa; Leon Anthony, was chosen as the spiritual advisor. So I had the chance to go and support him.
On July 29th my youth council had our first official meeting of the new youth council year. We elected our new officers for the 2023-2024 year. We had 5 new members join the youth council which is awesome. Overall the month of July was awesome and was full of great people and awesome opportunities. I can’t wait for the months ahead.