Media Contact: Melissa Kaszuba
November 1, 2023
UNITY Announces Sponsors/Registration for its Annual Midyear Conference
The conference will take place February 2-4 in Phoenix; early bird registration is available through November 15
Mesa, Arizona – The United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) Midyear Conference will take place February 2 to 4, 2024, at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, with several organizations signing on as sponsors or partners for the event. They include the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Seminole Tribe of Florida, Bank of America, Vadon Foundation, and International Game Technology.
“Each year, we are thankful for the organizations and individuals who support our conferences through sponsorships and monetary donations,” said Mary Kim Titla, UNITY executive director. “It is because of them that we can provide valuable workshops and insightful speakers that help our youth attendees build the knowledge and skills they need to become future leaders in their communities.”
The UNITY Midyear Conference will engage Native American youth nationwide through workshops, breakout sessions, and cultural sharing. Early bird registration is now open for the Midyear Conference and is $300 through November 15. Discounted registration ($375) is available from November 16 to January 15. The full registration price of $450 is effective from January 16 to 26. Attendees can also book their hotel reservations here.
For more information, visit the website.
Early Registration: https://unityinc.org/midyear24-earlyregistration/
Reserve your hotel: https://book.passkey.com/event/50576934/owner/68648/home
Founded in 1976, United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (UNITY) is a national network organization promoting personal development, citizenship, and leadership among Native Youth. UNITY’s mission is to foster the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of American Indian and Alaska Native youth ages 14 -24 and to help build a strong, unified, and self-reliant Native America through greater youth involvement. UNITY’s network currently includes 320 affiliated youth councils in 36 states. Tribes, Alaska Native villages, high schools, colleges, urban centers, and others sponsor youth councils.