The National UNITY Council’s Western Representative and Earth Ambassador Steve Harvey shared the following updates on his community service activities for the month of November:
“I first started my week off by commemorating indigenous peoples’ day! On Tuesday, I joined the 78th annual National Congress of American Indian virtual convention, honored to have caught secretary of the interior, Deb Halland, inspiring words. Following that, my colleagues and I had the opportunity to speak on behalf of the UNITY resolution, the “I Will Live.” campaign. Where it was unanimously approved through the NCAI Health committee.
On Wednesday a couple of the earth ambassadors participated in the Department of Interior under the Biden and Harris administration listening session regarding tribal youth and climate change. Where we discussed the importance of getting the youth involved and the environmental issues affecting our communities today.
Thursday evening, my fellow earth ambassador Maya and I were extremely great full to have had the opportunity to be guest speakers this year on climate and environmental activism sessions for the National Congress of American Indians convention.”