Chelbie Turtle, 25 Under 25 honoree has contributed to the planning of the Cherokee Nation Youth Summit to be held in summer 2023; the theme will be “Know Your Nation;” this also includes a series of coloring books that will be printed to share Cherokee history and culture Multiple Cherokee Nation departments (Education Services, Public Health, Government Relations, etc.) and the Cherokee Nation Tribal Youth Council Cherokee Nation Ongoing event!
The idea began when I was serving as Miss Cherokee and continues today “I am excited to have a small part in the early stages of this event and the coloring books! Ensuring that Cherokee youth have opportunities to engage with the Cherokee culture, language, history, and government is something that I am passionate about as related to my personal foundation. I look forward to seeing the coloring books come to life to share aspects of the Cherokee history, culture, and language with all Cherokees as well as the Youth Summit, which will allow Cherokee youth to gather together and foster connections.
The Cherokee Nation Tribal Youth Council (TYC) consists of 16 in-jurisdiction seats and one at-large seat. Tribal Youth Council members each serve a one year term. For more than three decades the TYC has committed thousands of hours of community service and learned what it is to be leaders in a modern society while holding strong to their culture and language. TYC members attend Tribal Council meetings to stay abreast of current issues facing the Cherokee Nation.
The Cherokee Nation Tribal Youth Council began under resolution 80-89 on October 14, 1989. Under the vision of a number of dedicated youth in cooperation with Principal Chief Wilma P. Mankiller, and the support of the Tribal Council, the TYC came to life. The TYC’s history is filled with success stories. Youth who served on the TYC now hold leadership positions within Cherokee Nation, the federal government and the private sector.