“Seeing all of the different native youth at the Midyear conference and all of the conversations that were had reminded me why I do what I do!” – Katy Johnston Pacific Region Representative UNITY EC Report
“I had the opportunity to attend the 2023 UNITY Midyear Conference in Tempe, Arizona. The UNITY Midyear Conference started with pre-conference activities. Two youth from the Bishop Tribal Youth Council and I had the opportunity to attend the ASU Communications Camp, We got to learn about producing media, and audio onto professional quality videos that everyone at the conference got to watch all week. We also attended the business meeting where the NUC representatives and the UNITY Executive Committee got to discuss important topics and discussed what the different youth councils were doing in their communities.
Overall I had an amazing time at the UNITY Midyear Conference, getting to meet new youth from the Pacific Region, Getting to participate in the UNITY round dance, and get the chance to represent the Bishop Paiute Tribe on a National Level. Next up we will be attending the National UNITY Conference in Washington DC in July 2023!”