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UNITY youth leaders speak to hundreds of tribal leaders at NCAI convention

UNITY Female Co-President Brittany McKane, Muscogee Creek, and Southwest Representative Kiera Toya, Jemez Pueblo, share their thoughts about presenting before tribal leaders at the National Congress of American Indians Convention held last month in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

“I am grateful to NCAI for affording us the opportunity to speak before the convening of tribal leaders at their 76th Annual Convention. We were able to help disseminate information about UNITY’s various programs, as well as information about our conferences from which the youth in their community can benefit. Support from tribal administrations is pivotal in UNITY’s success, and it is my hope that those who were able to hear this information will be inspired to provide opportunities for youth involvement in their Nations. Additionally, I hope that our leaders in Indian Country feel inspired to hear about the work our Native youth are doing for their peoples, and will be prompted to find ways to support the work that is already being done by the outstanding youth councils within UNITY’s network. Thank you again to NCAI for extending such an invitation and providing us with time to present!,” said McKane.

“I would like to personally thank NCAI for allowing Brittany and I to speak about our amazing organization UNITY at the NCAI conference. It was an honor speaking during general session in front of a number of tribal leaders. We were able to inform them about the various program UNITY offers to  the youth leaders and promoting 25 under 25 as the applications open in December. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to speak about an organization that is
making an impact in Indian country,” said Toya.

UNITY youth leaders were able to not only share how UNITY has impacted their lives but also gave updates on the initiatives the Earth Ambassadors, Peer Guides and National UNITY Council are addressing within Indian Country. Click Here to share your story with the UNITY network.