UNITY partnered with Bowman Performance Consulting (BPC) to sponsor a poster contest for art created to encourage Indigenous youth and young adults to participate in the Covid-19 Impacts study. Of those who submitted art graphics, three winners were chosen for First, Second, and Third place with cash prizes of $250, $150, and $100, respectively.
Congratulations to Evynn Richardson (Haliwa-Saponi) in First Place, Anthony Hurtado (Payómkawichum/Tohono O’odham) in Second Place, and Melia Mosley (San Carlos Apache) in Third Place.
Bowman Performance Consulting, an Indigenous-owned evaluation and research firm out of Wisconsin, is partnering with Northwestern University’s Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing and Evaluation, Data Integration, and Technical Assistance (EDIT) Program to conduct a nationwide study on the COVID-19 impacts on youth and young adults. This study – the Youth and Young Adults COVID-19 Impact Study – aims to understand the health behaviors and needs for youth and young adults ages 14-24 in connection with the COVID-19 health pandemic. The study especially hopes to hear from youth and young adults who identify as LGBTQ+ and/or Two-Spirit.
Voices and experiences of Indigenous youth and young adults, especially those identifying as LGBTQ+ and/or Two-Spirit, are often left out or minimized in research, and we want to ensure that that isn’t the case with this study. Results from studies like the Youth and Young Adults COVID-19 Impacts Study inform policy and program changes from the community to state/federal/tribal level. Personal stories from Indigenous youth and young adults are critical to hear, as important members of our communities and the BPC/Northwestern research team is partnering with United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) to connect with and include as many of your highly valued voices in the study as possible.
There is still plenty of time to participate in the study!
Participation involves completing a survey that will ask you questions about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will be compensated $30 for your time. You will then have an opportunity to complete will complete a follow-up six months later, and you will receive an additional $15 compensation.
The first step to participation is to determine if you are eligible to participate using this link https://redcap.link/yyasurvey. If you are found eligible to participate in the study, you will receive an email notification with a link to the actual survey.