Earth Ambassador Candice Joe served as the emcee for a virtual conference hosted by Phoenix College. “Implementing Indigeneity – Co-Creating Institutional Spaces for Indigenous Innovation” is a 3 part workshop that highlights indigenous scholars in all fields of work. Joe was accompanied in the workshops by Angelita Borbón, Indigenous Science; Yaqui and Lakota Harden, Indigenous Orator & Community Organizer; Minnecoujou/Yankton Lakota and HoChunk.
“Implementing Indigeneity was great!” Joe shared how she “was very fortunate to hear the stories and experiences of both speakers. They spoke of resiliency and how their experiences impacted their passions and career. I’m very glad to be able to emcee, the next workshop will be in November.”
Workshop #3: Featured speakers include – Dr. Michael Yellow Bird (University of Manitoba)
Topic: Applying Indigeneity Across Maricopa
Includes peacemaking, mediation, and ongoing reconciliation through forms of Indigeneity, e.g., initiate consensus gathering ideation to Indigenize
According to Phoenix College:
Reflecting on a formal statement provided by the MCCCD Chancellor entitled “Commitment to Indigenous Community”, the goals of the workshops encompass an intent to culturally, holistically, and sustainably Indigenize both our campus and the MCCCD system by incorporating systems and processes of mutuality and reciprocity rather than relying on those that exploit and marginalize.
The workshops take an innovative, trans-disciplinary approach, bringing together individuals of diverse disciplines to address critical topics and issues that affected Indigenous peoples in the past, that affect them in the present day, and that will, more than likely, affect them in the future.
“Historically, the federal government mandated colonial paternalistic policies for educational institutions to create experimental structures based on forced assimilation to mainstream Indigenous students into Western society,” says Roland R. Walker. Walker is one of the Tri-Chairs of the CAIIPP as well as the American Indian Studies Faculty at PC, and a member of the Diné Nation. “The outcomes of these policies resulted in generational Indigenous cultural trauma and loss. In today’s America, there is no escaping the effects of the trauma and loss that occurred; unfortunately, they have become a part of the Indigenous identity.”
The workshops provide a holistic experience about the navigational journey of Indigenous students in higher education in terms of equity, inclusion, and accessibility – much of which includes many barriers for Indigenous students to succeed and achieve.