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CNAY Opportunity: Native Vote Project Funding

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 5.24.04 PM

Get Involved

Our partners at the Center for Native American Youth are excited to offer a great opportunity to make a real impact ahead of the 2024 election! In partnership with the National Urban Indian Family Coalition (NUIFC), they are offering additional funding available to help bring your community engagement project to life.

To qualify, your project must include a Get Out the Vote component. But don’t worry – it’s easier than you think! Simply integrate voter engagement into an activity you’re already planning or something you’re passionate about. To apply, tell CNAY more about your plans for a community action project – by September 7 at 11:59pm EST – using the Democracy is Indigenous Project Proposal

Curious about what others are doing? Check out their Project Spotlight!
Have more questions? Need help with your project?
Contact Katy Stewart:


Virtual trainings are held once a month – please register using the below links.

  • August 30, 2024 at 6 PM EST. REGISTER.
  • September 18, 2024 at 6 PM EST. REGISTER.
  • October 25, 2024 at 6 PM EST. REGISTER.
  • November 15, 2024 at 6 PM EST. REGISTER.
  • December 20, 2024 at 6 PM EST. REGISTER.


Civic engagement refers to the active participation of individuals in the social, cultural and political affairs of their community, city, state and/or tribal nation. It involves citizens taking an active role in shaping public policies, making informed decisions and contributing to the betterment of society. Civic engagement is a fundamental aspect of democracy, as it empowers individuals to have a voice, express their concerns and work collectively towards positive social change and the common good. Civic engagement can include, but is not limited to:

  • Voting in elections
  • Participating in community organizations
  • Advocating for social justice issues
  • Volunteering, attending public meetings
  • Engaging in peaceful protests


Indigenous democracy refers to the principles, practices and systems of governance rooted in the traditions, values and cultural frameworks of Indigenous peoples. It encompasses the unique ways in which Indigenous communities exercise self-determination, make decisions and maintain their own forms of governance. Often, this is characterized by collective decision-making, consensus-building and a strong emphasis on community participation and inclusivity.

We Indigenize democracy by recognizing the inherent rights, knowledge and sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenizing democracy is a vital aspect of self-determination for Indigenous communities working to uphold traditional governance systems and maintain their distinct identities.