Your UNITY Executive Committee (EC) has been hard at work these past six months within their regions. Explore each youth’s Midyear Report on their community involvement and service to Indian Country. This year the youth leaders have been dedicated to rebuilding our National network and helping revitalize youth programs across the nation. Take time to learn more about the EC’s collective impact and inspirational wellness journeys.
In accordance with Section 8. Executive Committee duties. C. The Executive Committee derives its authority from the National UNITY Council and shall provide a minimum of four written reports on its activities to the Council each year. One report will be presented at the annual National UNITY Conference and another at the National UNITY Council Mid-year Meeting. The other two will be delivered in accordance with a schedule decided upon and announced by the Council during its annual business meeting at the National UNITY Conference.
National UNITY Council Executive Committee (click for each report):
- Chenoa Scippio Co-President Report
- Colby WhiteThunder Co-President Report
- Evynn Richardson, Vice President/Southeast Region Representative Report
- Jonathan Arakawa, Secretary/Northwest Region Representative Report
- Justice Fox, Great Plains Region Representative Report
- Nathan Solorio, Northeast Region Representative Report
- Katylynn Johnston, Pacific Region Representative Report
- Watson Whitford, Rocky Mountain Region Representative Report
- Angelina Serna, Midwest Region Representative Report
- Elwood McClellan, Jr., Southern Plains Region Representative Report
- Derek Capitan, Southwest Region Representative Report
- Steve Harvey, Western Region Representative Report
National UNITY Council
The mission of the National UNITY Council is to represent the UNITY Network so that common concerns are studied and addressed with a positive and unified voice. This will be accomplished through midyear and national meetings and projects that develop the leadership skills of Native youth by drawing upon their Native heritage and teachings. Further, the National Council will provide a means through which Native youth may learn how to effectively work together and address issues of concern in an environment that encourages them to interact in a dignified manner that respects and honors all.
Serve as a guiding body of the UNITY Network,
Provide a structure to participate in a deliberative process,
Provide a forum to study and debate issues, establish priorities, and set agendas,
Learn parliamentary procedures,
Promote the Network throughout Native America to increase its membership and provide a means, through which Native youth develop the skills needed to be more effective citizens and leaders,
Serve as peer mediators. And
Represent Native youths’ voices regarding their issues of concern to all who may have an interest or a role to play in addressing such matters.
To carry out its stated objectives, the National Council shall engage in only activities that are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws, philosophy and mission of the parent organization: United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc.
To ensure its effective operation the National UNITY Council may from time to time adopt policies and procedures as required to implement the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws.