Thinking about joining the National UNITY Council (NUC) Executive Committee? It’s a great way to make friends, network and gain leadership experience, especially in serving your region. However, it can also require a significant time commitment.
This petition is for National UNITY Council (NUC) members interested in running for regional area representative positions and Co-Presidents (Female and Male) on the NUC Executive Committee. Members petitioning must be in “good standing” for their name to be on the ballot.
A National UNITY Council Representative seeking the office of Area Representative must stand for election within the Area Caucus, including his or her state of residence. The ten geographical areas and the states included in each are defined as follows:
- Great Plains- Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
- Midwest- Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin
- Northeast- Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
- Northwest- Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska
- Pacific- California, Hawaii
- Rocky Mountains-Montana, Wyoming
- Southeast- Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
- Southern Plains- Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
- Southwest- Colorado, New Mexico
- Western- Arizona, Nevada, Utah
Criteria for good standing is as follows:
Representatives of youth councils in good standing:
-Youth Council Constitution and Bylaws submitted
-Letter of Resolution
-Completed one project in the past year
-$100.00 affiliation fee
-Submit an annual youth council report at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfyLBHZacCCOgLo3-42MgVD3hYu028UoZEAk_JeKyhXoj3hQ/viewform?usp=sharing
Individuals in good standing:
-Letter of support from a tribal leader
-$50.00 affiliation fee
-Annual Report (community service completed within the year) at : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfyLBHZacCCOgLo3-42MgVD3hYu028UoZEAk_JeKyhXoj3hQ/viewform?usp=sharing
Criteria for those running for a Co-President (Female and Male) position:
-Must be in good standing
-Must have previously served as an Area Representative on the NUC Executive Committee
To declare your candidacy go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeX7-Zzc9OKQDuvhAFEQwmudu2FR7K4mEiYZDI4hgzhB6wPg/viewform?usp=sharing
DEADLINE to submit petition is May 30, 2024, 5:00pm (Mountain Standard Time)