Southern Plains Region
UNITY Regional Profile
The Southern Plains Region consists of geographical areas and the states of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The Southern Plains region has 35 affiliated youth councils in 3 states within the UNITY Network.
At the meet-ups, youth councils are invited to gather to grow relationships and work towards goals. These MeetUps will serve as a networking opportunity as well as a brainstorming session for how to address community challenges and needs. (And have fun!) Not only will this be a valuable networking opportunity for your Youth leaders to connect with the surrounding tribes, but we would also like your feedback.
NEXT Southern Plains Regional Native Youth Meet-Up:
- When: Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Hosted by Elwood McClellen, Southern Plains Region Representative
- Register in advance for this meeting:
2021 Fall Southern Plains Virtual Meet-Up
UNITY News: Southern Plains Updates
Southern Plains Regional Representative: Elwood McClellen
Elwood McClellen is an enrolled member of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Mr. McClellen is the Southern Plains Regional Representative to the National UNITY Executive Committee.
Click + to learn more:
Elwood McClellen, Jr., Southern Plains Regional Representative
National UNITY Council Executive Committee
Welcome to the Southern Plains Regional UNITY page: This page will consist of informational material such as projects, events, and resources. Here you will also find contact information for your Southern Plains Regional Representative, Elwood McClellan Jr.
Composition of Southern Plains Region: The Southern Plains Region is composed of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The primary goal is to create structures and support; this will enhance the interpersonal relationships between youth councils. In result, work will be conducted in an effect manner, which promotes aspects of communication and teamwork. This is crucial when talking about ways to revitalize our communities.
Southern Plains Region Representative & Contact Info:
Elwood McClellan Jr, member of the Iowa Oklahoma.
Southern Plains Region Representative Obligations: The Southern Plains Region Representative is responsible for the representation, facilitation, and involvement amongst Indigenous youth and youth councils in the Southern Plains Region (Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas). The Southern Plains Representative also holds a position on the National UNITY Council Executive Committee, as the liaison. On this committee, the Southern Plains Representative serves with two Co-presidents and 9 other Regional Representatives. The purpose is to advocate for issues and concerns, while promoting the work and achievements of the Southern Plains Region.
Biography of Northwest Regional Representative, Elwood McClellan Jr
Elwood McClellan Jr is a member of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Mr. McClellan is the Southern Plains Region Representative to the National UNITY Council Executive Committee.
Mr. McClellan currently serves as the chairman of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma’s UNITY youth council and has served on the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma’s Election Board where his interest in program development derived.
This has all taken place during Mr. McClellan’s time at the University of Oklahoma where he is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Human Relations. The experiences throughout his life and material that his degree path has provided, he plans to directly apply his studies to Indigenous communities.
Southern Plains REGION
Elwood McClellen, Western Regional Representative
National UNITY Council Executive Committee
Southern Plains Region Youth Councils
- Three Fires of PBPN
- Field Kindley Memorial High School Youth Council
- Indigecomms
- Firekeepers Youth Council
- Haskell Indian Nations University
- Absentee-Shawnee
- Fire Lodge Youth Council
- Sac & Fox Nation Youth Council
- Anadarko UNITY Council
- Etem Omvlkusen Unity Council
- Kickapoo UNITY Council
- WahZhaZhe Youth Council
- Cheyenne-Arapaho UNITY Youth Council
- Penola District Youth Council
- Jones Academy Warrior Spirit UNITY
- Cherokee Nation Tribal Youth Council
- Mvskoke Nation Youth Council
- N8V Generation
- Deleware County Inter-Tribal Youth Council
- Iowa Tribe Of OK Unity Youth Council
- Many Nations Youth Council
- E.A.G.L.E.S. Youth Council
- Tulsa Native Youth Board
- IHCRC Native Nations Youth Council
- Okemah Indian Community Youth Council
- Kognito
- Osage Nation youth Council
- Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
- Wetumka N8V Youth Council
- Alabama-Coushatta Inner Voice Youth Council
- Tigua Youth Council
- Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
- UNITY of Texas Council
“Being here with UNITY is such a great experience. You get to meet so many new people and learn more about different tribes and their cultures.””
“The gathering, the sharing of cultures, the UNITY of our people!”
“Our YOUTH is the future!”
“It’s the best place to be open about what you think and what you want to do for your school or community. They make you feel like family and welcome you openly.”
“Great organization that allows empowerment for the Native youth to excel in leadership skills, networking opportunity, and early professional growth.”
“Awesome for youth group & leadership.”