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UNITY works with IllumiNative to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations for Native youth


We are happy to announce that we are partnering with IllumiNative to continue to raise awareness around the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines. This partnership will be invaluable going forward to address the challenges community organizers are facing in reaching younger Native people about vaccines. UNITY is conducting research to learn more about how we can better reach our youth around this issue. Stay tuned for more from your National UNITY Council Regional Representatives at your Regional Meet-Ups. 


Check out and share the latest video where Native comedians remind us that we do much riskier things on a daily basis than get a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Visit the For the Love of Our People website to find Native-created resources that can be used to educate Indian Country.

Below are some recent articles that you might find useful regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

The FDA authorizes Moderna and J&J COVID vaccine boosters (NPR) 

White House plan: Vaccinate 28M children age 5-11 (Indian Country Today) 

Covid-19 numbers are getting better. But where they go from here will depend on vaccinations, Fauci says (CNN) 

Natural immunity is good. Getting vaccinated after being sick with COVID-19 is better. (USA Today)

Young urges COVID vaccination in new ad (Alaska Public Media)

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