Click here for the full article by WERNATIVE If your friend tells you he or she is feeling suicidal, take…
I Will Live!
Our partners at WERNATIVE shared: Self-harm (also called self-injury) is when you hurt yourself on purpose – you cut, burn,…
Transforming Tribal Communities: Indigenous Perspectives on Suicide Prevention Culturally relevant suicide prevention strategies that are endorsed by community members can…
This toolkit is geared towards professionals and grass-roots organizers working in AI/AN communities to implement a community-wide Hope for Life…
Transforming Tribal Communities: Indigenous Perspectives on Suicide Prevention Culturally relevant suicide prevention strategies that are endorsed by community members can…
RISING SUN – Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups – Strengths United through Networks Toolkit The RISING SUN…
Transforming Tribal Communities: Indigenous Perspectives on Suicide Prevention Culturally relevant suicide prevention strategies that are endorsed by community members can…
Transforming Tribal Communities: Indigenous Perspectives on Suicide Prevention Culturally relevant suicide prevention strategies that are endorsed by community members can…
This report gives an overview of suicide prevention strategies used in Alaska. It provides background information on the suicide epidemic…
SAMHSA’s Preventing and Responding to Suicide Clusters in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Report This report examines suicide clusters…