On behalf of UNITY and our partners at Illuminative, we congratulate the following youth who will be awarded the For…
Peer Guide
Save the Date: February 2, 2022 at 2 pm (MST) LIVE with the UNITY Peer Guides will take place on…
OJJDP Publications & Resources available to Native youth AMBER Alert in Indian Country: Protecting Children in Tribal Communities OJJDP-Sponsored, February…
OJJDP PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO NATIVE YOUTH Strengthening Indian Country Through Tribal Youth Programs OJJDP-Sponsored, 2009. This report, prepared…
Mentoring PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO NATIVE YOUTH Supporting and Inspiring Native Youth Webinar featured the following Panelists: Cortney…
The 45-year-old United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) elevates and supports the voices of young Native Americans as they work…
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2021: The United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (UNITY) hosted a five-part webinar series…
OJJDP PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO NATIVE YOUTH Juvenile Justice Reform Act Tribal Provisions Fact Sheet OJJDP-Sponsored, July 2019. This…
Your Experience Is Powerful and the key to creating local solutions. Make sure your community experiences are included in this…
UNITY believes the most effective and powerful messaging comes from youth to youth training. The UNITY Cohort of Peer Guides…