OJJDP PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO NATIVE YOUTH Breaking the Ice: Creating a Dialogue With Youth OJJDP-Sponsored, October 2017. This…
Hear from the 4 top Native American scholarship organizations at the Virtual Native Scholarship Forum – Hosted by UNITY Inc….
WEST POINT LEADS WORKSHOP The West Point LEADS WORKSHOP is a one-day Leadership Ethics and Diversity in STEM Workshop…
What is your favorite part of a UNITY Conference? Sketch it! UNITY is hosting a sticker Contest for UNITY’s upcoming…
Learn how to become a multi-media digital storyteller! The free hybrid training will include virtual and in-person training with Arizona State…
Conference Registration rates will increase on February 1st. Register by January 31st to lock in your discount. (Purchase orders are available upon…
On behalf of UNITY and our partners at Illuminative, we congratulate the following youth who will be awarded the For…
OJJDP Publications & Resources available to Native youth AMBER Alert in Indian Country: Protecting Children in Tribal Communities OJJDP-Sponsored, February…
OJJDP PUBLICATIONS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO NATIVE YOUTH Strengthening Indian Country Through Tribal Youth Programs OJJDP-Sponsored, 2009. This report, prepared…
As Native youth are faced with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, UNITY leaders hosted a live discussion with an expert in…