Would you like to serve as news anchors for UNITY News? UNITY is seeking one male news anchor and one female anchor to host daily News segments at this year’s…
Do you need to raise some quick cash to attend the National UNITY Conference? It’s not too late! We’re here to…
UNITY just wrapped up a successful, fun and informative midyear conference in Phoenix. But we’re already thinking ahead to the…
Mesa, AZ – United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) is proud to announce that Midyear 2022 will be a hybrid event…
What is your favorite part of a UNITY Conference? Sketch it! UNITY is hosting a sticker Contest for UNITY’s upcoming…
Learn how to become a multi-media digital storyteller! The free hybrid training will include virtual and in-person training with Arizona State…
UNITY is now accepting in-person Speed Workshop submissions to be presented during the 2022 Virtual UNITY Midyear Conference from Friday, February 25, through Sunday, February…
The Minneapolis Convention Center, Hilton hotel, and local planning committee are excited to welcome more than 2,000 Native…
The midyear conference will take place in Phoenix in February 2022 Mesa, Arizona – United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY)…
Chicago Indigenous Tribal Youth (C.I.T.Y.) Council received the honor of 2021 UNITY Youth Council of the Year was named at…