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About the Indigenous YYA Impacts Study Logo


This study seeks to understand the COVID-19 testing and prevention behaviors and impacts on all Youth and Young adults ages 14-24, but because of the research and lived experience that shows how homo/biphobia, transphobia, and racism impact healthcare engagement (Eaton, 2015), this study is particularly targeting engagement from racial/ethnic and sexual/gender minority Youth and Young Adult.

The Bowman Performance Consulting Team wants to honor those Youth and Young Adults whose racial, ethnic, sexual, and/or the mainstream has marginalized gender identities. The BPC Team wants them to know that they will not be marginalized but celebrated for the beauty of their identity, which is why we sought to create a logo for our Indigenous Outreach and Engagement Plan that represents and honors their journeys and being. 

This logo, which is also on the cover of this document, was designed by graphic artist Yutlatakwas (she steps up/takes a step up)/Jessica Powless. It includes the six colors of the LGTBQ Flag, representing inclusivity of individuals identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, or Queer with the colors meaning the following: red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sun, green for nature, blue for art, and violet for spirit. The logo also includes the symbol representing Transgender as a combination of both the binary gender symbols and an arrow with a horizontal line. Finally, the flowers framing the diamond outline are representative of our traditional Two-Spirit relatives. Across generations, our ancestors have honored and celebrated our Two-Spirit relatives, considering them sacred to our tribes. The BPC Team offers the same here. We want our Two-Spirit Youth and Young Adult who participate in this study to know they are honored and celebrated here. 


Resources for LGBTQ+

Resources for Two-Spirit:

LGBT Flags and Symbols:

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